Latest Episodes

Treatment of severe PPH – Learnings from clinical practice
COR2ED Medical Education: In this podcast, Prof. Andra H. James (Professor Emeritus of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division Maternal Fetal Medicine, Duke University Hospital, Durham,...

Thrombophilia Screening: Best Practices and Who Should be Tested?
What does thrombophilia testing mean for patients or their families? Do you know when and who to test for thrombophilia? In this podcast, experts...

Severe postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) series: Part 4
Innovation is the key to achieving success in the future, including recent scientific research to explore novel therapeutic options to improve the treatment of...

Thrombophilia: Clinical overview and impact on patients
Thrombophilia: Clinical overview and impact on patients What do you know about thrombophilia? Is it acquired or inherited, and what is the impact on...

Gene therapy and gene-modified cell therapy in rare diseases
Gene therapy and gene-modified cell therapies have a great potential for rare diseases to either help patients to cure their disease or improve their...

Perioperative Thromboprophylaxis Revisited
Thrombotic risk is a constant threat in perioperative patients, but it has decreased with the evolution of surgical technology. Do you know how to...